Guest Blog: Recipe - 'Overnight Oats'

Suz Cranwell is a fellow Wiggle employee; a keen runner, cyclist and swimmer, and has kindly offered to write a few blogs for Life In The Saddle. This first one is a neat idea for a quick, easy and healthy breakfast...

It’s summer and you’re commuting into work. You want a fresh, vitamin packed breakfast, but stuffing fruit into your rucksack risks you arriving with an unplanned smoothie... But porridge is so wintery. I have a solution! Oaty pots of summery happiness

 1. Basically, get a jar with a screw top. Old plastic peanut butter jars are perfect.
 2. Layer 2 heaped tbsp of greek yogurt, a few frozen berries and 3 tbsp of oats – in that order.
 3. Keep going until the jar has enough in it to satisfy you in the morning.
 4. Pop it into the fridge overnight. Chuck it into your bag (lid firmly screwed on).

The oats will have absorbed the juice from the defrosted fruit, plus any liquid in the yoghurt – you know the bit on the top when it separates a bit? You’ll end up with a lovely thick yoghurt, plump oats and a pop of summer flavours!

The Greek yoghurt has more protein that regular yoghurt, so your muscles will get a good hit for recovery. The fruit will give you an instant hit of fructose – perfect for instant energy post-ride. The oats will complement both the yoghurt and the fruit, providing another bit of protein, plus the essential slow-release carb's to replenish your glucose stores during your morning and to help you avoid a post-fructose slump.


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