12 From 2019 – A Year in Review – One Life. Many Roads.

This year has been a constant and unrelenting state of 'flow' — jumping between work projects and personal adventures; meeting amazing new people and exploring spectacular places. I started 2019 with very few aims or objectives on the bike; but finished it with more memorable moments than I can count. This blog post is a look back at the last twelve months — 12 photos to commemorate another momentous year in the saddle. Year End Statistics Numbers are not everything, but they tell a story. Below are my figures for 2019, as well as the split of bike types ridden. My personal record broken this year was for elevation gained – 452,269 metres. The equivalent of climbing to the top of Mount Everest from sea level 51 times. Dedication to my #insearchofup motto. Distance 25,540 kilometres (15,870 miles) Time 1095 hours 40 minutes Elevation Gain 452,269 metres (1,483,822 feet) 2019 Bike Distances 18,441 km – Gravel/CX Bikes (3T Exploro / Kona P. J...