The #5MaratonasChallenge Sommario
The idea of riding the five historic Maratona dles Dolomites routes, over five consecutive days, evolved from a desire to discover and celebrate what this unique mountain range has to offer. Printed on a set of route cards, provided by , the five routes of this classic Grand Fondo would take me on new roads, and to new heights. It would also provide a challenge that would push bike, body and mind beyond previous limits. This is my #5MaratonasChallenge Sommario - a résumé of the challenge. The greatest memories; the hardest moments; my favourite kit; and the lessons learned. The Final Statistics #5MaratonasChallenge 5 rides 42 hours riding time 873 kilometres ridden 28,300 metres elevation climbed 7 Days in the Dolomites (including the warm-up and #WildCardDolomitiRide) 7 rides 55 hours riding time 1,073 kilometres ridden 36,500 metres elevation climbed The Lasting Memory It is hard to think of one defining moment or memory, from th