#7Countries7Passes Day 4 - Long Day Out

Marti and I set out together this morning, routed towards Villingen, I was just going to see how far I could get towards the target. Aside from some gentle drizzle, and some unexpected road works, the first 50km went smoothly. Then Marti turned back towards Fulda. I continued on into the afternoon, and despite rather slow progress, managed to make it to Heilbronn, my rough target, by about 20:00. Having got too close to the northern side of the city, camping spots soon thinned out, so I made the call to head through to the other side and try my luck on the southern perimeter. It was 22:00 by the time I set up camp in a sweetcorn field just south of Heilbronn (the city was larger than I had expected, so took some time to cross). A long day in the saddle.