The sound. The sound of flints and gravel; pinging and crunching beneath wheels. The sound, of tubeless tyres hitting tarmac, momentarily; buzzing like an angry bee. The sound of friends, wincing and shouting; as they fly down chalk downland and rutted single-track, slightly out of control. The sound, of cyclocross.
Today, I rode a CX Century. 100 miles of chalk, gravel and mud; intermingled with very occasional tarmac respite. I rode 100km of it with great friends; old friends and new.
It was a superb day to be in the saddle of the Kona Private Jake - a bike which has affirmed itself as my new favourite.
Here's a photo essay, to sum up the day's events...
I've reached 1000km on the Kona Private Jake to date. She is quite frankly, superb. |
Ben unfortunately punctured early on, and the huge sidewall gash put end to his ride. |
My Kona Private Jake, and Chris's Kona Rove. Sitting pretty. |
Worth the climb. |
Green and Blue. |
Café stop - #fuelfortheride |
100km. Looking back out to The Needles. Plenty more hills yet to come. |
The Kona needed a lie down. |
I needed some Bounce. |
My new favourite. Looking well used and abused - The Kona Private Jake |
My custom GripGrab toe covers seemed to do the trick. Job done. |
There were a few lumps along the way... A great day in the saddle. |
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