Review: Dhb M1.0 Mountain Bike Shoes

I bought a pair of these last summer, after the Diadora mountain bike shoes that I bought when I first started mountain biking in 2007 eventually gave up the ghost.

I have a nice pair of Specialized Pro shoes that I bought for the Island Games, but I didn't want to be using an expensive pair of shoes for commuting and touring, so these seemed like a good option at around £45.

When they arrived I'll admit I was a little disappointed by the initial looks; I'm not sure what I was expecting, but they're not exactly as 'Essex' as my shiny white Specialized Pros (I bought the black ones).

However they have proven very practical and a good buy:

  • The velcro closure and fairly roomy fit means that you can use them in any weather; for example with thicker winter socks or SealSkinz.
  • The outer material is a synthetic leather, which has proven very waterproof and dries fairly quickly, almost negating the need for overshoes if you use waterproof socks.
  • The rubber sole is grippy; with the recessed cleat and rubber studs (rather than metal studs) avoiding too much 'clip-clopping' around when you wear them into the office or supermarket.
  • They seem to be wearing well; with daily use they still clean up well and dry quickly.
  • The reflective detailing on the heel-cup, straps and sides shows up well in the dark, and is a help in low-light conditions such as the morning/evening commute.
So overall, a good buy: robust, well-made, durable and practical.
Just what you want from an everyday shoe.

Available Exclusively at Wiggle Bike Shop (Link)


  1. I have the older version of these and use them as my only pair. Great for commutning and hot or cold weather


  2. I love reading your blog. You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for setting me up with training plans for my running 3 years ago. Your posts help me to push harder and pick new challenges for myself.


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