Objectives from 2012 - What Did I Tick Off?
A year ago I wrote a blog post on Objectives for 2012: In and out of the saddle, so I thought as my season is truly finished now, I should write a blog on which of those objectives I have completed, and which ones have had to be relayed to 2013. In a few weeks time I'll write a blog on my objectives for 2013.
Objective #1: "Become a 2nd/3rd Cat. Road Racer"
I got my second category licence back in August (Race Report), then finished off my season with a string of good results on the mountain bike as well.
Objective #2: "12hr Mountain Bike Race"
I didn't manage to do a 12hr this year, but I did go to the CRC Mountain bike marathon in Ruthin, and do both the Night Marathon and the Day Marathon. Which clocked up some good stats (below). A blog on the weekend can be found here: The Alternative Lads Weekend
Night Marathon:
Twice Round the Isle of Wight
Twice Round the Island MkII
Objective #8: "Reach 30,000 Views On The Blog"
You can probably see from the view-counter at the top of the blog that it clocked over 30,000 views a few days ago. Thanks for reading!
Objective #9: "Work Experience...and a job for 2013"
ALL IN THE PIPELINE #fingerscrossed
So there you go...a pretty successful year really. A good start on the road racing circuit, some awesome mountain biking, some EPIC rides and some (apparently) reasonable writing.
Look out for 'Objectives for 2013'... coming soon.
Objective #1: "Become a 2nd/3rd Cat. Road Racer"
I got my second category licence back in August (Race Report), then finished off my season with a string of good results on the mountain bike as well.
Objective #2: "12hr Mountain Bike Race"

Night Marathon:
- 40km (25 miles) Off-road
- 1350 meters of vertical ascent
- Finished around 20th of 150 starters
Day Marathon:
- 80km (50 miles) Off-road
- 2900 meters of vertical ascent
- Finished 4th out of 800 starters
Objective #3: "Podium in the BUCS Hill Climb"
Those that read my blog last weekend will know that the 2012 BUCS Hill Climb was not quite what I had hoped for. But hey, you can't have it all, and it was a long season. I won't be a student to do the event next year, but I am certainly hoping to do a good few hill climbs and get a proper season of them logged.
Objective #4: "Make an impression on the track"
RELAYED TO NEXT YEAR - See 'Objectives for 2013' in a few weeks time
Objective #5: EPIC Ride: "South Downs Way in One Day"
RELAYED TO NEXT YEAR - See 'Objectives for 2013' in a few weeks time
Objective #6: EPIC Ride: "Twice Round The Island"
I didn't just do this once...I did it twice, and expect to do it again before the year is out. Check out the blogposts...it is a pretty EPIC ride:Twice Round the Isle of Wight
Twice Round the Island MkII
Objective #7: "To Lands End and Back"
OK, so I didn't go all the way to Lands End, but back in August I did ride from the Isle of Wight to Exeter in one go. It was 130 miles along the very hilly coast road. Check out the blog here: Coast Road Epic
You can probably see from the view-counter at the top of the blog that it clocked over 30,000 views a few days ago. Thanks for reading!
Objective #9: "Work Experience...and a job for 2013"
ALL IN THE PIPELINE #fingerscrossed
So there you go...a pretty successful year really. A good start on the road racing circuit, some awesome mountain biking, some EPIC rides and some (apparently) reasonable writing.
Look out for 'Objectives for 2013'... coming soon.
Well done on all those objectives you achieved Tim...and for those you didn't, well there is always next year..I look forward to reading what you have in the pipeline for 2013...
Thanks Trevor, it's been a good season. My mileage is still a bit lower than yours, but hopefully I'll hit the 10,000 mile mark by the end of the year :-)