Ride Stats: January 2013

January's miles and hours are significantly down on last year, when my totals reach 963 miles and 58 hours in the saddle. I've got a fair few excuses for that though... After the Festive 500 I came down with a chest infection, that put me off the bike for around two weeks. Then mid-January the weather gods decided to dump a load of that white stuff, and I ended up on the rollers for almost a week. Then this week, I was in a hit and run accident, when a driver pulled out on me; fortunately I wasn't too badly hurt, but the bike didn't come off so lightly, so the later part of this week has been a write-off as well.

In summary, I'll be glad to put January behind me to be honest; it's never a great month of the year for me, and I hope that as we edge closer to the racing season things will start to improve.

*Note: For those that follow me on Strava and wonder why these numbers don't link up with my records on there, it is because I don't record my 95 miles a week commuting on Strava, nor do I include any indoor sessions.


  1. Hope that you are recovering OK following the accident Tim..


  2. Thanks Trevor, I'm doing OK thanks, bike is just about up and running again and I am just a little sore. Will be out getting the miles in tomorrow morning all the same. Hope all is good with you.


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