Review: NutriBullet Drinks Blender

Some will question whether a cycling blog is the place to review appliances like a blender. Well, I'm going to explain why it is...

I have no problem wolfing down a bowl of porridge before most rides, but after a hard training session, I often find it difficult to stomach a solid meal; even though I know that it is optimal for recovery. I know others who struggle with the reverse, and as a result tend not to fuel up optimally before they head out. Blending could be the answer...

NutriBullet blenders have become a very fashionable item over the last year or so; with people tweeting pictures of their bright green kale smoothies, and raspberry ripple shakes on a daily basis. I'm a big fan of milkshakes, and my NutriBullet makes an awesome banana and peanut butter shake; but what I really wanted to highlight to cyclists, is the benefit of a blender like this, for making prep and recovery easier.

Pre-ride raspberry, yoghurt and oat "porridge smoothie"

Pre-Ride Fuelling

The alarm sounds, and you roll out of bed at 6am. The last thing you may think about is sitting down and munching on a bowl of low-GI oat based cereal, before you jump on your bike. Here's the solution... 

The night before, pop a banana, a handful of oats, a cupful of milk, a teaspoon of honey and some dates into the NutriBullet, and blitz it up. Screw on the top, pop it in the fridge, and you've got a breakfast you can down in a few minutes before you ride, or even take in a bottle on your bike with you (although I wouldn't put it in a normal nozzle bike bottle - it gets a bit clogged up). 

Sorted. A pre-ride smoothie that has all the components of a bowl of porridge with fresh fruit, but in an easy to stomach, grab-and-go bottle.

Post-ride recovery shake with fresh fruit

Post-Ride Recovery

You've just completed an FTP (fitness) test, and your lungs, stomach and legs feel like they're about to implode. Yet, you know the best thing to recover for your next session, is to get some protein, carbohydrate and nutrients inside you. Here's the solution...

Before your ride, blitz up some handfuls of frozen blueberries, raspberries, oats, protein powder and almond milk in the NutriBullet. Screw on the lid, and leave it in the fridge. Then, when you return from your ride, you'll have a chilled, easy to drink recovery shake, with an optimal blend of protein, carbs and anti-oxidants, to help kick-start the muscle repair process.

The above ideas aren't revolutionary, and they certainly don't have any other-worldy ingredients; but, they are easy to consume, customisable, interesting drinks, which will help your nutrition. 

The NutriBullet works better than a normal blender for these kind of drinks, too. The high power blade helps to really mill down oats, chop up small berries (and even their seeds!), and create a smooth drink that is easy to stomach. The low-hassle screw on lids, and easy to clean blades, also make it far more likely that you will make these kind of drinks; rather than being put off by the task of washing up the food processor after every ride.

Yes, I really did just post a review (of sorts) of a blender, on this cycling blog. However, I honestly think that if you're looking for easy pre-ride nutrition, and fresh, healthy post-ride shakes, this is a great nutritional product to invest in.


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